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Category: car accident

non-visible injuries

Understanding Non-Visible Injuries After a Car Accident

Explore common non-visible injuries that individuals may experience after a car accident and the importance of recognizing and addressing them

Whiplash symptoms Atlantic Canton Chiro Rehab Chiropractic

Whiplash Symptoms – Hard to Understand

Whiplash Symptoms May Be Hard for Others to Understand A whiplash injury occurs when the head and neck (cervical spine) unexpectedly get whipped back and forth. In today’s world, this injury most commonly happens when hit from behind by a vehicle. If your whiplash symptoms linger, it may be hard for others to relate to…
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vehicle accident injuries

Common Vehicle Accident Injuries

What are the Most Common Vehicle Accident Injuries? A look at soft tissue injuries and other common kinds of vehicle accident injuries suffered by drivers and passengers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than three million people are injured each year in vehicle accidents across the country. The different injuries resulting…
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