5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise This Spring

Spring is finally here and that means the air is warming, trees and flowers are blossoming, and most of all, that summer is right around the corner!
I’m sure you’ve seen the exercise motivation articles in the magazines at the grocery store checkout – “Get Your Body Beach Ready!” and other similar titles.
After a cold and dreary winter, it’s sometimes difficult to find the motivation to continue with your resolution to drop pounds, be active or just get healthy. For some, springtime triggers an almost internal push to get active with the warmer weather.
Here are five ways you can motivate yourself to get out there and exercise this spring!
1. Go outdoors
You don’t have to always go to the gym to get your exercise.
Swap the treadmill or elliptical for a nature walk or bike ride in a local park with your kids or family or try doing a parcourse at a local park.
There are so many different ways you can get a workout in – get creative and have fun!
2. If you are already working out, switch up your routine
We can lose motivation because we’re simply bored with routine.
Try taking a class, like Yoga, Zumba, Pilates or Crossfit. For those not into the class mindset, Beachbody and DailyBurn both have free trial periods and provide a wealth of programs for every fitness level.
You can also challenge yourself by slowly increasing repetitions in your regular workouts.
3. Get a workout buddy
Having someone else to be accountable to is a great motivator! You can help and inspire each other to personal greatness.
However, not everyone makes a good workout partner. Make sure you choose someone who’s at a similar level of fitness and will motivate you, rather than someone who will drag you down or be too competitive.
Remember, you are both there for support and encouragement on your journeys! 🙂
4. Sign up for an event
From the moment you register, you’ll feel as though you’re being held accountable. Even if it’s for fun, you’ll still want to be ready for action.
With a goal in mind, you’ll be sure to stay focused.
5. Post reminders to push yourself
Grab some post-it notes and write yourself motivational reminders! They can be as simple as why you are doing this or even motivational quotes; write them down then stick it on your bathroom mirror.
If you’re more tech-savvy, put a reminder to workout or save motivational photos on your phone. Be your own cheerleader! 🙂